Two games, and possibly three, in St. Louis, Mo., over the weekend, is the program for the Bethlehem Steel soccer team, according to information learned today. It is understood that the negotiations which the officials of the St. Louis league have carried on with the local soccer management during the past week have resulted in a definite decision by the latter to accept the proposition and present the Steel Workers in that city for games Saturday and Sunday and possibly one on Monday.
Although Bethlehem has been eliminated in the National Cup competition and the Western fans had an opportunity to feast their eyes on an Eastern aggregation when Fall River won the title in St. Louis last Sunday, soccer critics in that district believe that Bethlehem Steel would not only be a better drawing card, but that the Steel Workers, even through eliminated in the cup competition, is the prize team of the East.
At least the negotiations opened again last week was not the first invitation Bethlehem received to journey West for a series of games. On Christmas Day when Bethlehem was battling New York F. C. in the fourth round of the National Cup, it is understood the local management received a wire to come West for a game in St. Louis on New Year's Day. This invitation could not be considered, for the draw outcome of the game on the Steel Field required a replay the following week in which Bethlehem defeated the New York F. C. at New York oval by the score of 3 to 2.
A week or ten days ago negotiations were again opened with an offer so attractive as to force the local management to consider it. However, it is believed it was not definitely decided to make the trip until last night. While the letter received was quite lengthy, the details were confined mostly in expounding the merits of the Bethlehem team, referring to a previous invasion and describing the enthusiasm of the St. Louis soccer fans over such a series of games.
So when the Steel Workers leave Bethlehem on Thursday night at 7:20, they start West not knowing who t heir opponents will be unless in the meantime a wire to that effect is rece3ived. It is known that there will be two games, one on Saturday and the other on Sunday, and a strong possibility that a third game might be included to be played on Monday.
It is believed that there is a strong possibility that the Bethlehem team may oppose the Vesper-Buicks, Western finalists in the National Cup competition and t he team eliminated for the honors by Fall River. One game is practically assured with a game of the pick o the players of the St. Louis league. As for the third game, it is believed that there is a small town close to St. Louis which is a hotbed for soccer and that the mines would be closed down if the Bethlehem team stops en route home t o play the game. At least, it is believed that was proposed during the holidays when overtures were made to have the Steel Workers come West.
With the possibility of three games to be played the entire Bethlehem squad will be included on the trip.