The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, April 2, 1918
Before It For Balance of Season and Will Need Every

The Bethlehem Steel Soccer team came out of Saturday's contest without any injuries and every man is in perfect condition for the strenuous games that are in store for them the balance of the season. The National League situation is such that every game is as important as a cup tie, Paterson, tied with the Steel Workers at the top of the list, is playing in great form just now and the Steel Workers can't afford to drop one point if they are to realize their ambition and win the pennant. Paterson has an advantage over the Steel Workers at present in the fact that they can concentrate all their energies in the league having been eliminated from the two cup contests whereas the Steel Workers are finalist in the National and semi-finalists in the American Cup. This situation calls for an exhibition of sustained energy greater than anything expected from a soccer team in this country; but the local fans and management of the team are confident that they are capable of accomplishing the great feat of bringing the three honors to the Bethlehems.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club