Captain Bromley, of the Joliet team, stated after the game that the Steel Workers were the cleverest team he had ever seen. He was particularly impressed by the way they worked together, every man fitting in his place like a well-oiled machine.
"Jimmy" Campbell has a host of admirers in soccer circles and Saturday's exhibition certainly increased their number.
The National League executives made a change in the league schedule for next week and the Steel Workers are now booked to meet the Scottish Americans at Newark next Sunday.
The work of Murphy and Fleming at outside right and outside left, respectively, was of high order. Murphy's specialty is dropping the ball in front of the goal in such a way that the inside man can meet the ball on the run and Fleming's specialty is that well-known left foot drive.
Ferguson's cool, deliberate work at left fullback was a great source of admiration to the big crowd. Saturday's exhibition was one of the best ever seen on the local field.