The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, April 2 1924
Seventeen Players Will be Taken On Trip to St. Louis Over Weekend

Bethlehem players comprising the entire squad of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team with William Sheridan, secretary, in charge, will make the trip to St. Louis, Mo., leaving tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock for the exhibition games to be played in that district. It has been definitely learned that there will be three games, two of which will be played in St. Louis proper and the third on Monday afternoon in a small mining town known as Gillespie, Mo.

Although the games have been definitely decided and word to that effect was received, no other details have been forthcoming. A letter was expected by the management this morning stating what terms the Bethlehems are to meet, and unless this word is received by tomorrow, the Steel Workers will journey West not knowing what teams they will meet until their arrival.

The arrangements of games and all other details are in the hands of the St. Louis Soccer League officials so that it really matters little what teams will be played. However, it is generally expected that the first game will be against the winner of the St. Louis League which happens to be the Vesper-Buick eleven, defeated last Sunday by Fall River for the National title, and the second game against an All-Star eleven, selected from among the best players in the league.

The third game to be played on Monday afternoon will be against a fast and clever little team representing Gillespie, a hot bed for soccer in the West. The town is quite small, being little more than a mining hamlet but one of those towns in which the entire populace is wrapped up in the booting game. The fans have for a long time wanted to see the Bethlehems in action and being unable to finance a trip on their own accord have taken advantage of this opportunity of having the Bethlehems stop over. If arrangements promised on a previous contemplated trip are carried out in Gillespie, the majority of the miners will be excused from work on the afternoon of the game and a crowd of no less than five thousand are expected to turn out to witness it.

The players who will make the trip follow:

Goal -- Highfield, Carson
Fullbacks -- Young, D. Ferguson, and J. Ferguson
Halfbacks -- McGregor, Carnihan, Terris, Robertson, McFarlane and Rattray.
Forwards -- Turner, A. Jackson, W. Jackson, Grainger, Maxwell and Goldie.

Just what players will be selected for the opening game has not yet been determined and will be held pending the arrival of the squad in St. Louis. However, there is a strong possibility that the Jackson brothers, Walter and Alec, will be seen in action in all three games. The forward line is limited to one additional player but in the event of an emergency there is Jack Rattray, included among the halfbacks, who can assume with effect most any position on the forward line.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club