The Bethlehem Steel Company athletic committee is making big preparations for the game next Saturday on the Steel company's new athletic field, Bethlehem, with the St. Louis Soccer team, professional champions of the middle west and the only team in the country that Bethlehem has failed to defeat. The St. Louis team will be composed of practically the pick of the St. Louis soccer league. They are scheduled to leave for the east on Wednesday, and should arrive in Bethlehem Friday afternoon. They will be quartered at the American House, Broad Street, Bethlehem. According to reports received from Peter Ratican, manager of the Mould City stars the boys from the "Show Me" state expect to clean up everything they lack up against in the east and according to the St. Louis "Times" it will take more than the battle scarred veterans of the Bethlehem team to top the boys from Missouri when they get going. The local team is being put through a special training this week and it is quite possible that St. Louis will find they are up against a different proposition tan when they played the steelworkers in St. Louis on Christmas day and fans can rest assured that it will be a fight to the finish as the champions are determined to wipe out that defeat at all cost. The Bethlehem Steel Company Band will be an added attraction and if nice weather prevails it is expected that six or seven thousand spectators will be on hand to witness this great battle. James Walders, of Philadelphia, has been selected to referee and he will be assisted by two neutral linesmen. Instead of playing the Scottish American F. C. at Newark on Sunday, the St. Louis management has arranged to play the New York Football Club in New York and on Monday they will tackle the Disston at Philadelphia.