The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, April 3, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Fall River Team Given Great Reception
Fall River newspapers commenting on the return of the soccer team, conquerors of Vesper-Buicks in St. Louis last Sunday in which victory the New England eleven annexed the National soccer title, devote columns in describing the scenes and reception accorded the players. Ten thousand fans and others turned out with bands to receive the returning heroes, with banquets and speech making following. Prior to leaving for St. Louis each of the players was presented with a traveling bag, a gift from the city. Active in arranging the celebration on the home coming was the Chamber of Commerce assisted by the several fraternal and social organizations. Little wonder that the Fall River team conquered the best in the East and then aspired to the pinnacle of the best in the United States with such moral support. The morale of the team such as inspired by the appeal of seven to ten thousand fans crying for victory surely contributes at least fifty percent to a club's effectiveness. The reception accorded the Fall River eleven is a most glowing tribute of civic pride.

Only One Veteran to Make Trip
References that Bethlehem Steel will field an entirely new club in St. Louis on its invasion this coming weekend is all wrong. In bulk the players to make the trip and play the games will be strangers to the St. Louis fans who recall the invasion of the Bethlehems some five years ago. However, there is one individual who was a member of that fighting clan of dribblers which represented the Bethlehem Steel soccer team on that previous occasion and that person is none other than Jock Ferguson, still a regular and as effective as of yore in spite of the long years of active service in the sport. Jock was as much a bulwark on the defense as on the previous trip to St. Louis as he is today and is certain to break into the lineup for one or more games. All the other players will be strangers to the Western fans who still recall the visit of the Bethlehem Steel team in three games won one, lost one and drew in a third.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club