The Globe - South Bethlehem
April 4, 1917
With the big game between St. Louis and Bethlehem Steel only a few days off work on getting the playing field in shape is being rushed and the local management is also making preparations to handle a record crowd. Seating accommodations for 3500 can be provided and at least 2000 more can get a good view of the game standing around the playing pitch which will be roped off. No additional charges will be made for seats in the grandstands and bleachers and the admission charge of 50c is good for any seat in the stands. The Bethlehem Steel Band will be on hand and if the weather is at all favorable local fans will witness one of the greatest soccer events ever staged in the Bethlehems. The members of the Disston and New York teams will be in Bethlehem on Saturday to get a line on the Western Champs and it is expected that several hundred soccer enthusiasts from Newark, New York and Philadelphia will witness this contest. All games in the Blue Mountain League have been called off for next Saturday. This was decided on by the officers of the Blue Mountain League last evening. Manager Ratican of the St. Louis team today notified the local management that he will bring 15 players and trainer. He expects to reach Bethlehem Friday in time to give the members a light workout.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club