The Globe -- Bethlehem
April 4, 1918
Soccer Notes
P> The United States Football Association cup committee meets tonight in New York to decide where the West Hudson-Fall River semi-final will be played.

Tommy Swords, who scored the goal that won the national cup for Fall River last year in thefinal against Bethlehem, scored four of the five goals registed by Fall River against Lynn Hibernians in the fourth round of the national cup.

Every player on the local team would like to see Fall River go into the final of the national cup, as they are convinced that they will be able to reverse the result of last year's final, basing their opinion onthe fact that no team can be so much on the defense and still be able to emerge winner the second time.

The Steel Workers are training hard for the Scottish-American F. C. game next Sunday at Newark, knowing only too well that the Scots will play themselves to a standstill in an effort to win.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club