The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, April 4, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

By Fred Nonnemacher
Run Game to Suit Themselves
When the Robins Dry Dock and Erie F. C. met for the third time in Philadelphia on Saturday afternoon to decide the deadlock in the semi-final American Cup competition it was understood that the two teams were to battle to a finish to decide the issue. The fans who journeyed to the field, some 5000, through previous press notices, were given to believe that such would be the case. The captains of both teams after playing extra periods of 15 minutes each, however, were of different opinions and agreed to call it quits for the day with the score four all. Such tactics will hardly do soccer much good and attention of the officials will probably be called to this action. As a money-making proposition, it would be well if the two teams continued to stage tie games but it will not be very long before fans will begin to suspect that something is wrong. The three games, two staged on Harrison field, and one in Philadelphia, have been played to aggregate crowds of 20,000 fans.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club