Ferguson, of the Bethlehem team, gave the most wonderful display of soccer ever witnessed on Todd field. His work was the outstanding feature of the contest and at no time during the game did he weaken but rather played the full two hours in wonderful form.
Rough tactics employed by several of the Dry Dockers frequently brought shouts of disapproval from the many fans. These tactics were usually employed when the referee had his back turned and were deliberate acts of violence.
Harry Ratican was completely eclipsed by the wonderful work of Campbell and Ferguson. At all times they held him in tow. His first attempt to score was seven minutes after the game started. After then it was eight-three minutes before Ratican had another opportunity to shoot for goal.
For the Robins, the outstanding feature was the playing of Capt. Millar, formerly of Bethlehem, and Maguire. They were in the game at all times and were the main factors in all the aggressive moments.
Robertson and Neil Clarke, the latter a former Bethlehem player, spoiled the good work of the Robins by their continual and deliberate foul tactics. Clarke was the chief offender and as a result of his work Corrigan, the new Bethlehem player is today nursing many bruises that he otherwise would have escaped.
These overt acts of roughness were usually committed when the referee had his back turned. They became so pronounced that eve n the home spectators greeted Clarke with shouts of disapproval.
If the football authorities want the sport to make a name for itself in this country they will find quite a job on their hands. The association is due for a thorough cleanup. Fans like good clean sport and if referees are too weak-kneed to see that it is enfore3ce, it is only natural that they will direct their attention to some other form of pastiming. If an umpire in baseball can stand before a crowd of thousands and render his verdict impartial why should a soccer referee quiver before a crowd of only several thousand. In yesterday’s game it certainly did look as though the referee did not have sufficient nerve to enforce his convictions and curb the work of the home team. The sooner the association finds men with enough nerve to see that the rules are stringently enforced, the quicker will the game become popular in the eye of all true sportsmen.
It is possible that the Robins will be the opponents have on Saturday. Also that the two teams will meet in the National League contest the following day.
Neil Clarke and Robertson may find the Steel Workers eager to square up for the abuse they suffered in the National Cup fracas.
While for the good of the game it may be an important factor that Bethlehem dropped the National Cup honors. However, to lose a game after two extra periods when replay seemed certain on the home grounds was a hard blow for the steelmakers to weather.