The Globe -- Bethlehem
Saturday, April 5, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Play First Game This Afternoon
St. Louis soccer fans who ever since the last visit of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team five years ago have clamored for another peep at the championship aggregation gathered together in Bethlehem, were afforded the opportunity of seeing the Steel Workers in action this afternoon when the first of a three game series was staged against an All-Star team. Advices from St. Louis are to the effect that the Steel players in the best of physical condition will field their strongest club against the cream of the talent in the St. Louis Soccer League. While the National final played in St. Louis last Saturday drew one of the biggest if not the biggest attendance in the history of soccer in this country, the attendance at the two games in which Bethlehem is to participate in St. Louis is expected to shatter all previous marks. Like in the East, Bethlehem is a prime favorite in the West, being probably better known to soccer fans than any other team. Following the two games to be played in St. Louis, the Steel Workers will wind up their invasion by stopping over at Gillespie, a small mining town near the big city, for an exhibition game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club