When the Scullin Steel F. C. takes the field against the Robins Dry Dock F. C. at Fall River, Mass., on April 19, Lexington Day, in the final of the National Challenge Cup, which is emblematic of the soccer championship of the United States, the Scullins will be composed of purely American-born players. All were born in St. Louis, Mo., and are the product of the public schools of the city.
The famous Robins are composed of almost entirely foreign players from England and Scotland, with two exceptions, Pete Renzuilli, the crack goal-keeper, and Harry J. Ratican, the great center, who is actually a St. Louisan.
While the Robins play the type of soccer that is popular overseas, the Scullins play the aggressive style that is typical of all American-born players, and the contrast in the styles of the two teams is arousing intense interest as to who will be the next National champion.
Already application for reservations are pouring into Secretary Cahill's office, and Fall River will experience a great invasion of soccer enthusiasts.