Cleaning Up in St. Louis
Additional laurels to those already garnered by Bethlehem Steel soccer team were annexed in St. Louis over the last weekend when the Steel Workers pitting their skill against an All-St. Louis team was victorious in the two games played. Contending that the Vesper Buicks, winners of the St. Louis League and Western finalists in the National Cup were not strong enough to pit against the star Eastern club an All-Star aggregation was sleeted and while the latter scored in both games the Steel Workers tallied one more goal in each contest. On Saturday the Bethlehems won by the score of 3 to 2 and again on Sunday by a score of 2 to 1. Today the Bethlehems are scheduled to play at Gillespie and if they win this game it will be the first time that a clean sweep was made in a series played in the West. On two previous occasions the Bethlehems battled a St. Louis team.
Fall River Continues Undefeated
While the Bethlehems were idle in league competition over Sunday, playing exhibition games in the West, Fall River, National champions, American Soccer League leaders and leading contenders for the American Cup laurels, strengthened their hold on first place in the league race by defeating the Newark F. C. at Fall River yesterday afternoon by the score of 3 to 0. While outclassed in the run of the game, the playing of Sam Fletcher, former Steel Worker, Neil and the brilliant goalkeeping of Jimmy Douglas, prevented the champions from rolling up a higher count. Probably the first soccer double header was played yesterday afternoon at the New York Oval when in the first game the National Giants defeated Philadelphia F. C. 2 to 1, and in the second game the New York F. C. set back the Brooklyn Wanderers by the score of 3 to 1. Both games were played in a driving rain but in spite of these conditions more than two thousand fans turned out to witness them.