The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, April 7, 1924
St. Louis Newspaper Says Bethlehem Played Bets Game Ever Seen There

Accounts of the opening game played by the Bethlehem Steel soccer team in St. Louis against an All-St. Louis team on Saturday afternoon all refer to the great superiority of the Steel Workers over that of the opposing rivals in terms such as "the best that has ever been seen in St. Louis" captions such as "Famous Bethlehem Team Exhibits a Great Brand of Soccer." One of the short articles on the game which appeared in the Sunday edition of a leading St. Louis paper was in part as follows:

"The famous Bethlehem soccer team defeated the All-Stars 3 to 2 this afternoon in the first of a series of two games at High School Field. Although Bethlehem defeated the All-Stars by only one point, the visitors outplayed the locals throughout the contest excepting on rare occasions when all All-Stars cut loose with sudden bursts of speed.

"The forward line of the visitors worked in perfect unison, their pass work being unusually accurate. They appear to be able to shoot better and quicker from difficult positions than did the Fall River forwards.

"The Bethlehem eleven showed strong in every department of the game. Fullback Ferguson, the two Jacksons and Maxwell were the outstanding stars. Highfield in goal was not called upon to stop many shots.

"The All-Stars showed a lack of team work and pass work. Vaughn was off in his kicking. Hitchcock was the start on the local defense.

"After leading 3 to 1 in the second half, the Bethlehem players let up in their play apparently in order to preserve their energy for tomorrow's game. They entertained the spectators toward the close of the game with a number of fancy passes.

"The team play of the locals was decidedly off color. W. Jackson had an easy shot from within the penalty zone, but hesitated an instant and a local back booted the sphere out of danger zone. Goldie missed hard shot a few minutes after the visitors had forced a corner kick."

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club