The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, April 8, 1918

At a special meeting of the National Challenge Cup Committee of the United States Football Association the principal business was the selection of the ground for playing off the Eastern semi-final for the National Challenge Cup. Pres. Thomas Bagnall presided. Other members present were: Thomas W. Cahill, secretary; Andrew M. Brown, (Bayonne), and Joe Booth, (Bridgeport). After considering the bid of $825, less expenses, from the West Hudsons for Clark's Athletic Field, Newark, the committee decided to accept the Fall River Rovers' net guarantee of $700 for the tie to be played at Fall River on April 13. This was agreed upon for the benefit of the large crowd who will see one of the most bitterly contested cup ties in the annals of soccer football in America. In the event of the Fall River Rovers being successful in their semi-final against the West Hudsons the final tie will be played in the New England district on April 27; but if the West Hudsons emerge winners the final will be staged in New York on April 28.

The West Hudsons, who will meet the Fall River Rovers in the Eastern semi-final of the U. S. F. A. Cup competition next Saturday, were treated to a surprise by the Jersey A. C. in their National League game at Clark's Athletic Field. The final score was a tie at 3-3.

Paterson kept pace with Bethlehem in the National Football League, although still two points behind, by defeating the Babcock & Wilcox eleven in a rattling game at Bayonne by 3 goals to 2. At half-time, the Babcock & Wilcox led by 1 to 0. Hayes equalized for Paterson after the restart and a penalty, converted by Neilson, put Paterson ahead by 2-1. Hayes headed in the winning goal for Paterson ten minutes from the end.

At a meeting of the American Football Association in Newark, Saturday night, the Bethlehem Steel Co. soccer team, holders of the famous trophy, were drawn to play against Disston A. A., of Tacony, in the semi-final game. The match will be played at Bethlehem on or before Saturday, April 20. The winner of the fourth round game between Fore River Rovers and Fall River Rovers will play the Babcock & Wilcox team of Bayonne, N. J., the other semi-final game. No date has been set for the later game, but the Jersey team will have to travel to the field of the New England club which wins.

With the placing of Johnny Small between the posts Saturday, the diminutive Scotchman-Boston terrier fancier has played every position on the team since throwing in his lot with the Taconyites. He is also the oldest player in years of service for Disston, but even at that is a corking good player.

Unable to get together a representative team, the Jersey A. C. forfeited their National League game Saturday to the West Hudsons.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club