The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, April 8, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

By Fred Nonnemacher
April 19 Date for Soccer Clash
George Lamble, of South Bridge, Mass., is the selection as referee in the final National Cup soccer clash between Bethlehem Steel, holders of the trophy, and Paterson F. C., according to an announcement made last night by Sec. Thomas W. Cahill of the United States Football Association. The game will be staged at Fall River, Mass., on April 19. The linesmen will be George Mitchell, of New Bedford, and Ed. Pemberton, of Pawtucket. William Patrick will be the delegate of the governing body to attend the game.

Trying to Arrange Another Game
Efforts are being made by Manager Sheridan of the Steel Workers for another exhibition game to be staged on the Bethlehem Steel field on Saturday afternoon. "Billy" contends that the best practice his champions can receive is in actual conflict and in tuning up for the big classic to be held the following Saturday wants to see the Steel Workers in action against a strong picked team of any circuit. All the players at present are in excellent physical condition, traveling at top speed and showing the best form of the season. Barring accident to any of them, the team will enter the classic picked as the favorites.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club