The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, April 8, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Cleaned Up on Western Tour
That Eastern soccer is superior to that displayed in the West was emphatically illustrated on the trip of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team which concluded with a 4 to 1 victory over the Gillespie team, regarded as a fast soccer aggregation representing a small mining town located close to St. Louis. With this victory the Steel Workers made a clean sweep of the three game series, winning the first two games from an All-Star St. Louis aggregation by the scores of 3 to 2 and 2 to 1 and then taking the mining representatives into camp by the score of 4 to 1. It is the first time any Eastern team invaded the West for a series of exhibition games and returned with a clean slate. Immediately after yesterday's game the players packed up and departed for home. They are expected to arrive in Bethlehem on Wednesday morning.

Fielded its Strongest Lineup
In tackling the St. Louis players Bethlehem fielded its strongest lineup on Saturday and appeared again for the Sunday game with but two changes. In the opening game Highfield was in goal with Young and Jock Ferguson, the fullbacks. The halfbacks were McGregor, Carnihan and Terris while the forward line presented A. Jackson, Grainger, W. Jackson, Maxwell and Goldie. When the Bethlehems took the field again on Sunday Davy Ferguson replaced his brother Jock with Carson, a goalie with the club all season, working between the uprights instead of Highfield The name of Carson is not as familiar with local fans as the majority of the other players. However, this goalie has been with the club since the start of the season and did regular duty in the opening games. With Bill Highfield and then the acquisition of Dutch Oellerman the club had three goalkeepers at their disposal and of this trio Highfield and Oellerman usually received the assignment. However, Carson impressed with his playing and was retained as one of the very capable reserves.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club