The Globe -- Bethlehem
April 9, 1918
On Saturday, With Disston, Is Eliciting Unusual Interest

On Saturday at Bethlehem Steel field, Disston A. A. of Philadelphia will play Bethlehem Steel F. C. in the semi-final of the American Cup. The Steel Workers were fortunate to draw their great Philadelphia rivals on the home field and the local fans are assured another great classic when these teams meet. The Steel Workers are at present the holders of the cup and the victory this year would mean three straight for the Bethlehem team and four times in five attempts. Disston is the only team that defeated the Steel Workers this year and their victory over Newark F. C. last Saturday shows taht they are still the same dangerous combination. Only an exhibition of the same clever football displayed in the Joliete game will give the local team an opportunity to once more play in the field.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club