Great interest is being shown in New England soccer circles in the final of the National Cup between Paterson F. C. and Bethlehem Stele and both teams are sue of a royal welcome. There has been very little first class soccer in that district this year and if the weather man is in a good mood a record crowd is sure to witness the game.
At the present time the Steel Workers would seem to be the favorites for the National Cup final, but strange things happen in soccer games as in all other lines of athletic endeavor and the champions will do well to remember that past performance will have no bearing on the result of the big clash at Fall River.
The personnel of the Bethlehem team for the final will not be decided upon until the latter part of next week. The style of play of various members of the Paterson team may have something to do with the final selection.
On Sunday, April 20, Bethlehem Steel will play Robins Dry Dock F. C. an exhibition game on the latter's grounds.