April 9, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

By Fred Nonnemacher
Another Player Reported Leaving
Thore Sundberg, the Swede, who joined the Bethlehem Club shortly after the return from the tour in the Scandinavian countries, is getting ready or has already drawn up stakes and decamped for other quarters. Sundberg looked good in Sweden and when he came to America chose Bethlehem for his abode it was believed that he would prove a valuable asset to the team. The form he displayed in this country, however, was not up to standard and after given a tryout in several of the less important games was assigned to the reserves. Apparently this inactivity did not appeal to the Swede. Chicago is the city it is said he is heading for and will located in a Swedish colony which is represented by a soccer team.

Harris to Leave, Also a Rumor
If the rumor heard materializes the Bethlehem club will receive a severe blow in the loss of Harris, the crack center forward. Efforts to verify his leaving were not available at this time and it is hoped the talk may prove to be nothing more than idle chatter. From what is heard, Harris, for some reason or other, favors the Canadian climate and is preparing to return there. There is little doubt that he intended to locate here permanently, as it is understood that he hand his furniture transferred to this city. The furniture, it is said, was returned to Canada without unloading. Many soccer followers believe that his change of attitude was probably agitated by the shift in the Bethlehem lineup in the Robins game. In that contest, Harris, a crack center forward who has sent many shots crashing into the net, was transferred to a wing position, while Corrigan, a half back, was given the forward berth.

Fall River Hard After Title
Having eliminated Bethlehem in the fifth round National Cup competition, the Robins Dry Dockers will stage their next campaign on Coats Field, Pawtucket, R. I., tomorrow afternoon against the Fore River Football Club. The game is the semi-final in the competition, the winners of which will meet the western delegation in the final. "Billy" Sheridan, trainer of the local clan, it is said is visiting the Quincy, Mass., the home of the Fore River Club, and although it is highly probable that he is sojourning in that city on a business jaunt, many believe that his mission is quite to the contrary and that he is lending his aid in priming the Fore River crowd for the Robins game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club