The Globe -- Bethlehem
April 9, 1921
Almost Certain Now that Foreign Soccer Team Will Appear Against Steel Team.

According to information received this morning, it is practically certain that the aggregation of soccer clubs to visit this country, selected from the cream of the various clubs abroad, will visit this city for an exhibition game this summer.

The possibility of this stellar classic being staged in Bethlehem with the Scottish players pitted against the Bethlehem Steel Workers, depends entirely on the guarantee demanded by the invading players. The guarantee, it is understood, is very heavy and is practically the only detail in completing the plans for the game that is still in doubt. However, it is said that negotiations of such a game are unusually bright.

The plans call for two games against the Bethlehem team, the first to be staged in Bethlehem and the second against the Bethlehem team in Philadelphia. In the latter city the Steel Workers have become popular favorites.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club