While not received as authoritative nevertheless the origin of the source of this information indicates that it may be but a few days before the promoters fostering the project make a formal statement.
The big proposition, if it materializes and for which there is every reason to believe it will, is a gigantic move to organize a new league with Bethlehem included among the foremost representative soccer teams in the East and it might safely be said in the country. The movement is at present on and from rumors heard is meeting with success. The teams to be included would be Fall River, Pawtucket, R. I., Robins Dry Dock, of Brooklyn; Erie F. C., New York, Jersey City and Philadelphia. It is a movement that was started last season but more active interest was taken in the formulation of plans this season.
Such a movement would meet with opposition probably, from the National League, but it is believed this could be easily overcome.
The circuit will be no outlaw organization but will be among those affiliated with the U. S. F. A. and in addition to playing league games, the tams would of course also be contenders for National and American Cup competition honors.