Soccer Loses Wonderful Organizer
While the ousting of Thomas Cahill as secretary of the U. S. F. A., was no doubt agitated by his domineering attitude in some matters and his persistency in having his own way against advice and suggestions of other officers of the association, nevertheless, soccer has lost possibly the best organizer available. There is no need to deny that the extensive development of the sport in this country was due to the devout and untiring efforts of Mr. Cahill. Taking hold of the game in its infancy through the efforts of the National Secretary the sport has grown until today it ranks with the most popular of the outdoor attractions. Cahill without a question of doubt has been sincere in his efforts and a beaver for work . However, crossing opinions in certain matters are believed to be the real cause for his dismissal from that office. It is hoped that by this time soccer has established a sound foothold in this country for otherwise it is believed that t he game would suffer by the loss of Mr. Cahill. Unless, of course, a man of his ability and caliber can be secured to assume the office.
Fuss Started In St. Louis
While details of the controversy resulting in the ousting of Mr. Cahill have been more or less in reserve, it is said that the friction between the secretary and the other officers of the league reached the straining point while the former was in St. Louis last Sunday a week ago attending to the details of the National final between Fall River and Vesper-Buicks. Some accounts of this session intimate that President Pee and Mr. Cahill came near to blows. Friction is said to have also developed over the plan of selecting an amateur tea of American citizens to represent this country in the Olympics. Speaking to a prominent local soccer enthusiast the ousting of Mr. Cahill was regarded something like this: "Tom was a very good man and while his view frequently disagreed with opinions held by us, nevertheless, his sterling qualities and ability as secretary by far offset what we thought might be his bad points and we were only too glad to overlook the latter. Soccer has lost a wonderful organizer and if the game was not solidly founded in this country, I am certain the sport would feel the loss of the National secretary." That expression voices the sentiment of a good many who have been personally acquainted with Mr. Cahill.
Attached Gate Receipts in St. Louis
With the return of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team comes the information that Harry Ratican, former star center forward with the Bethlehem Club in the old days of campaigning played a prominent part in the National final staged in St. Louis last Sunday a week ago. Harry was very active in that game but not in the role of a player, official or manager. Instead he confined his activities to the courts where he secured the necessary papers to attach the share of the Fall River gate receipts. Just what final disposition was made in the legal action is not known but it is understood that harry presented a claim against Fall River management for $1,500 due him for salary when a member of the Fall River team.
Steel Workers Arrived Home This Morning
Cocky and proud and well deserving in assuming such an attitude, the players of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team arrived home this morning after the most successful trip ever made by an Eastern team invading the West for a three games series. Papers were loud in their praises of the style of play adopted by the Bethlehems and showered the Steel Workers with flowery tributes during their brief sojourn in the Mound City. Special writers covering the games did not in the least hesitate in describing the merits of the Eastern team as far superior to those of the West and referred to the clever playing of the Steel Workers as a revelation of how the game should be played. Prior to the visit of the Bethlehems the St. Louisians entertained the opinion that Western soccer was equal to that if not slightly better than any in the country. However, after Bethlehem disposed of the cream of the St. Louis talent a quite different impression was left behind. The rush and kick style of play with speed considered a most dominant factor on the forward line is adopted in St. Louis but since the visit of Bethlehem the passing game of the Steel Workers is now considered the most effective. One writer in describing the play, refers to a young forward who boasts of being an 11 second man, being effectively held in tow by the veteran Jock Ferguson, a player who has passed the forty milestone mark. Bethlehem made a very good impression in the West, more so it might be safely said than did Fall River. This no doubt is due to the fact that Bethlehem did not oppose and conquer any of the teams in the St. Louis League appearing with the club lineup intact, but rather an all-star carefully selected aggregation for both games.