The Globe -- South Bethlehem
April 10, 1917

Manager Trend received word this morning by wire from Chairman A. W. Keane of the National Cup Committee of the United States Football Association that the Bethlehem Steel Company soccer team would play the winner of the Detroit-Joliet game in the semi-final of the National Cup, on the new athletic field at Bethlehem on April 21. In addition, C. E. Creighton, of Brooklyn, will referee the game, and National Secretary T. W. Cahill and H. W. Trend would serve as delegates. Manager Trend was also advised that the final would be played at Pawtucket, R. I., on Saturday, May 5, thus assuring New England one of the big games.

In the final gave of their Eastern tour the Ben Millers, of St. Louis, were beaten by Disston, at Tacony Ball Park, State Road and Disston Street, Philadelphia, yesterday afternoon, before a holiday crowd of 1500, by three goals to one.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club