By Fred Nonnemacher
Disston Ball Park Favored for Soccer Game
Soccer fans in Philadelphia are in a furor over the possibility of seeing the Bethlehem Steel champions in a final cup competition in that city and are pulling hard for the award. Should the Emergency committee oft he American Football Association award the game to Disston Ball Park, it will be the first time in the history of soccer that such a competition would be staged there. In commenting upon the possibility of the game, the Philadelphia Inquirer this morning said:
"The Emergency committee of the American Football Association is negotiating for a ground in the city or Pawtucket, R. I., to play the final round of the cup competition between Bethlehem and Paterson. This announcement was made last night by one of the officials, who also stated that the reason that the final will not be played at Newark, N. J., as previously arranged is owing to the fact that the Federal League Ball Park and Wiedemeyr's Park are not available for the next Sunday, the date previously announced.
"It is the intention of the committee having change of securing grounds to stage the final Saturday, April 26. Bethlehem wants to meet Paterson at Disston Ball Park, Tacony, instead of having to travel to Pawtucket, because of the fact that the National Cup final will be played this year at Fall River, Mass, which is also between Bethlehem and Pawtucket.
"By playing the game at Disston Ball Park this would not in the least favor Bethlehem. It will be remembered that when Disstons were in their prime last season that they lowered the colors of Bethlehem on these same grounds, while Disston's also played the National champions to a tie score in the A. F. A. tourney. Therefore, Bethlehem has not fared successfully on the various appearances at Disston Ball Park.
"The Bethlehem management feels assured, however, that with the interest in soccer this season due to the close race in the Delaware River Shipyard League that the final between Bethlehem and Paterson staged at Disston Ball Park would prove a strong enough attraction to draw a record crowd. Bethlehem holds both cups at the present time. They have already defeated Paterson in the National League series this season, this victory giving Bethlehem the league championship."