The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Monday, September 14, 1914 -- page 11
Blue Mountain League of Penna.

The second meeting of local soccer enthusiasts was held last Friday evening in the Nativity gymnasium and the Blue Mountain Soccer League was formed. There were about twenty persons present, including representatives from clubs in Easton, Phillipsburg, East Bangor, South Bethlehem, Bethlehem and Allentown. The following officers were elected: President, Major De Saules, Mountain Hill; secretary, H. J. Carpenter, Bethlehem; treasure, J. Edmundson, Easton. The office of vice president will be elected at the next meting. The league will consist of Nativity F. C., South Bethlehem; Bethlehem Reserves; Easton A. A.; Phillipsburg Standard F. C.; East Bangor F. C., and Allentown Y. M. C. A. Secretary Trend of the champion Bethlehems team gave the league some very interesting and notable information and suggested that the new league adopt the rules of the American League, Philadelphia, which was done. Secretary Carpenter stated that the league would become affiliated at once with the United States of American Football association and would adopt the official form for its players. The league bids fast to attain success and H. E. Lewis, Bethlehem, has donated a handsome silver trophy to be competed for annually. The league will hold its next meeting on Friday, Sept [ . . . ] in the Nativity gymnasium, where entrance facts (?) will be received and schedules adopted.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club