The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Saturday, April 14, 1917 -- page one
Was Popular and Prominent In Local Athletic Circles

Harry W. Trend, manager of athletics for the Bethlehem Steel Company and for some years identified with the biggest sporting events of the Lehigh Valley, died at 2:30 o'clock this morning at St. Luke's Hospital, South Bethlehem, after a week's illness with pneumonia, aged thirty-four years.

H. E. Lewis, assistant to President E. G. Grace of the Bethlehem Steel Company spoke in high praise today of Mr. Trend's work in athletics in the Bethlehems. He said:

"In the death of Harry W. Trend, athletics in the Bethlehems as well as the Lehigh Valley has lost one of its most staunch leaders. His sudden death has caused gloom in more than one place. He was a sportsman in every sense of the word; not only was he one of the pioneers in soccer football but he also helped in baseball and other sports. His work in laying out the Bethlehem Steel Company's athletic field and gymnasium was in itself a tribute to his honest efforts in fostering sport. He was a fired to the boys of the district, and helped them in many ways. Recently he had developed an inter-plant baseball league of the Bethlehem Steel Company and for next fall had in mind starting a basketball league somewhat similar to the baseball and soccer schedules.

"To him is due in a large measure the unusual success attained by the champion Bethlehem Steel Soccer team. Their enviable record in the past three or four years was made possible by his unusual activity and enthusiasm, both in keeping the men in shape and installing in them the proper spirit.

"Mr. Trend was known to all soccer officials and more than once has refused offers in the National Council. His word was respected and his advice often sought for on general matters pertaining to soccer. It will be most difficult to replace him." Mr. Trend was a native of England, where he was born on March 4, 1883, to Francis Edward and Emma King Trend,. He came to this country a number of years ago. Besides his grief-stricken widow he is survived by two sons, Henry and John Trend; also by three brothers and three sisters. The family resides at 309 North High Street.

The funeral will be held on Tuesday afternoon with services at the home of his father-in-law, H. A. Dietrich, at 27 West Third Street, at 2:30 o'clock. Interment will be made in Nisky Hill Cemetery. A delegation will attend from South Bethlehem Lodge, 535, I. O. O. M., of which the deceased was a member.

Also in the April 14, 1917 edition of The Globe of South Bethlehem appeared the following death notice.

TREND -- At St. Luke's Hospital, South Bethlehem, April 14, at 2:30 a.m., Harry W. aged 34 years, 1 month and 10 days. Funeral Tuesday from the residence of his father-in-law, H. A> Dietrich, 27 West Third street. Services at 2:30 p.m. from the house. Interment in Nisky Hill cemetery.
Relatives, friends and members of the Moose Lodge are invited to attend the funeral without further notice.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club