The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, April 16, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

By Fred Nonnemacher
Soccer Men Will Wage Spirited Tilt
Fans who have been following the campaigning of the soccer teams throughout the East will no doubt be disappointed by the announcement that the Federal F. C. scheduled to meet the Steel Workers in a National League game here on Saturday have canceled and forfeited the points to Bethlehem. Instead, the followers will be treated to a clash that promises to produce more thrills and excitement and with probably a good deal more rivalry, by the program arranged by the Bethlehem Steel management for the local field tomorrow afternoon. Those acquainted with the ins and outs of the teams realize the rivalry existing among the eighteen players under contract and will see a contest well worth attending when the Reds, the reserves of Bethlehem squad, meet the Blues, the regulars. While the contest is announced as a practice tilt, it will probably develop into anything but that for it is understood that he management is somewhat disappointed in the work of the regulars and after the game tomorrow afternoon many may find their berths vacated and replaced by reserves. In fact, Manager Sheridan is making no bones about the proposed changes and "Billy" says the men that show up best will be injected into the American cup final, irregardless of whether they have figured in a regular game or not this season. The rivalry between the players is of course presumed to be good-natured and friendly but following the contest one can better judge the relations between the players. Many of the Reserves are players who last year held regular positions on the soccer squad and contributed largely in bringing the National Cup honors to this city, a feat that this year the regulars failed to accomplish by losing in the final with the Robins. "We are still there," said one of the reserves this morning, "and watch us go when the game gets underway. Earlier in the season we defeated the regulars by the score of 3 to 0 by of course several alibis were made after the game. In tomorrow's contest we expect to duplicate that trick and believe me if we are successful the Blues will have no comeback." No admission will be charged and since this is the only major attraction scheduled for Bethlehem tomorrow afternoon, a large attendance is expected.

New Players Coming Says Sheridan
Noted in announcements made this week by the management of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team, the club is banking on the arrival of three new players who are to be given a tryout. Their names were not divulged but it is learned that one of the players is a center forward by the name of McKenna, whose experience in soccer circles has been extensive. McKenna was located with the local plant during the absence of the team on the Scandinavian tour. Practically at the same time the tourist returned, McKenna left and when later he secured his release he went to Pawtucket, R. I., and played center forward on the J. & P. Coates team. Tommy Harris, who was recognized as the regular forward on the Bethlehem club left for his home in Canada and rumor that McKenna is coming on to try his hand at that position seems highly probable. It is understood that McKenna and the other two players are expected today and might probably line up with the Reds in the game tomorrow afternoon.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club