Bethlehem Globe Thursday, April 17, 1914

Will Bethlehem win the American championship? There is no question but what every sport-loving citizen of the Bethlehems sincerely hopes that the champion team of the Bethlehems will win on Sunday at Paterson, N. J. It has been a hard road that it has had to travel, with many bitterly fought battles on the way but it has carried the Bethlehems banner triumphant through them all and has reached the final. Can Bethlehem win the final game? Let us hope so as it would indeed be a wonderful achievement for Bethlehems to win the American championship at its first attempt, which carries with it a handsome $500 silver trophy and gold medals. The management has left no stone unturned to get the team into the best condition possible and it will be one of the best trained team that ever lined-up in an American final game. From reports received it has been learned that the Tacony F. C., Philadelphia, is brining several star players from Canada to play against Bethlehems next Sunday. The line-up of Bethelehems will not be known until shortly before the game. For the benefit of local fans who intend going on the excursion on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, the train does not stop at Newark but will arrive at Jersey City about 10 a.m. Fans going to the game should take ferry to Twenty-third street, then take the Erie Ferry back to the Erie terminal where they may get a train direct to Paterson, the fair being about fifty cents return. A train leaves Erie station for Paterson at 11 a.m. arriving 11:30 and one at 1:15 p.m. arriving 1:55 p.m. at Patterson, the later train would be ideal for the game and would give fans a chance to see New York before going to the game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club