The Globe -- South Bethlehem
April 17, 1917

As a mark of esteem in which they held their manager, Harry W. Trend, the Bethlehem Steel Soccer players have made the request that they be allowed to wear mourning bands on their jerseys in the coming game with Joliet.

The players already show the good effects of the lay-off for it has give Trainer Machen more time to work on injuries.

Easton, the man recently obtained from St. Louis is showing good form.

Reports indicate that the sale of tickets for Saturday's game is going on at a good clip and weather permitting there should be a good attendance. This very likely will prove the last big game of the season on the local grounds.

Joliet's record is almost enviable one and so far this season have played 26 games, winning 24 of them and having 2 tie games. In this respect, they are better than the champions ho have one defeat charged against them.

So far this season Bethlehem Steel has played 34 games, winning 31 losing 1 and tying 2 games. Their goal record has been 129 games to 24 scored by their opponents. Joliet's goal record at this time is not known but sufficient is known of their recent decisive victories to feel that their goal average must be a very good one.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club