The Steel Workers have scored more goals and have less scored against them this season than any first-class club in the country. The total to date is 92 for, to 13 against.
National and American Cup games are holding the limelight at present but the closeness of the National League struggle will soon have the interest of the fans. Two of the greatest games of the league are still to be played at Bethlehem, one with Paterson, who are tie with Bethlehem Steel for the leadership of the league, and the other with West Hudson National Cup semi-finalists.
Soccer critics in the New England district have selected several Fall River players for the mythical All-American team, but the Steel Workers feel that they will make them change their minds before the season is over.
The good missionary work of the Blue Mountain League was evident on Saturday last, when several of the players showed clever football in the game with the Reds and Blues on the Bethlehem Steel field.
The emergency committee of the American Football Association has finally decided that the semi-final cup game between Disston A. A. and Bethlehem Steel must be played, and although the Steel Workers feel that they have not been given fair treatment in this matter, they will see it through to the finish. Disston has been notified to be on hand. Mgr. Bedford was able to convince the governing body of the Cup that he was unable to get together a team [SECTION MISSING]