The Globe -- Bethlehem
April 17, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

By Fred Nonnemacher
Should Not Pass Up Offer
It is hardly possible for the A. F. A. to receive a better offer for the staging of the American Cup classic and the bid of the Disston management should be carefully considered before making any other selection for a site. Soccer, in the last year, has taken a strong hold in Philadelphia, and every means available should be resorted to in encouraging the game. The New England States are already recognized as a hot-bed for the game and even though the prospects of a bigger gate is indicated in that district the value of boosting the game in a section that is just growing should be worth something to the association. Then again, local fans, the same pertaining to those in Paterson, could witness the games at a small expense. Leaving here at noon would enable Bethlehem enthusiasts to arrive in Philadelphia in time to see the game and the return could be made the same day. It is hoped that the Bethlehem management will continue to apply its influence in persuading the A. F. A. to make the Disston grounds the final selection.

Will Stand Expense For American Cup Final
The soccer management of the Disston Athletic Association has presented an offer in hopes of having the American Cup final at the Disston Ball Park, Philadelphia, that is almost certain to win them the classic. So keen is the association for staging the first cup competition in the history of the game in the Quaker City that they have offered the American Football Association practically everything but the permanent ownership of the grounds. According to advices received Martin Regan, Disston's soccer manager, presented the offer to the A. F. A. and now it is more than likely that the game will be staged in Philadelphia on April 26. In addition to giving the grounds without any expense, the management agrees to foot the police and printing expense therefore and will allow the A. F. A. to take all the receipts from the gate. This action, it is said, was taken for the expressed purpose of brining the final to that city. They further contend that since Disston did not have a first class team this season the management feels that at least one big game should be played in their park and are using every means available in the effort to encourage staging the final in that city. As a further incentive in the luring offer, the Disston management recalls a recent game, a semi-final in the National Cup between Morse Dry Docks and Paterson two weeks ago when the gate receipts totaled over $2,260. Should the final be awarded there it will be necessary for the first time in soccerdom at a cup match in Philadelphia to charge 50 cents admission. It is felt, however, that the price will not affect the gate materially, especially as Bethlehem and Paterson are two of the strongest teams in the country, with the likelihood that the best game of the season will result.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club