The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, April 17, 1922
Intimation That This City Will Have Representative Team Again Next Year.

Will Bethlehem revive soccer and again be represented by one of the foremost aggregations in the country? This query is pertinent and of great interest to local followers of the game.

That the revival of the sport in Bethlehem is being considered is intimated in an article by Levi Wilcox, actively associated with the sport in Philadelphia, appearing in this morning in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Mr. Wilcox was always a staunch admirer of the Bethlehem team and when the Steel management decided to disband in Bethlehem for the time being, directed his influence in having the club removed intact to Philadelphia.

Despite the fact that the Philadelphia F. C. comprise almost solely of form Bethlehem F. C. players who still maintain their homes in this city, are American League champions, the support of the Philadelphia fans was far below that anticipated. Mr. Wilcox, in referring to the probable transfer says:

"Although it is a recognized fact that the Philadelphia F. C. champions of the American League will likely sport the colors at Bethlehem, Pa., owing to the slim support given the team here this season, that does not mean, however, that there will not be a team in the A. L. circuit besides a local league of eight clubs.

In other words, the new Philadelphia F. C. next season will have that local flavor which has been lacking with the team representing Philadelphia this season. Instead of relying upon the old Bethlehem machine, which has been the case this season, to represent Billy Penn on the soccer field, the team will not only be composed of Philadelphia players, but will also be supported by Philadelphia capital."

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club