The Globe-Time -- Bethlehem
April 17, 1930
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Echoes from Glasgow
The writer submits a few excerpts of an Associated Press dispatch of a soccer game played in Glasgow, Scotland, to which no little local significance is attached: "Glasgow, Scotland. April 16. - The Glasgow Rangers defeated Patrick Thistle, 2 to 1, in today's replay of the final for the Scottish Football Association Cup. The attendance was 102,479, a record for a mid-week soccer match and a wonderful figure for even this city of football. Both teams belong to Glasgow. The Rangers and Patrick Thistle battled to a scoreless draw Saturday before a crowd of more than 100,000. Today's game was the first replay in the Soccer Cup final since 1914. It was the Rangers' halfbacks who won the match. The presence of the Irish-American, McDonald, on the Ranger halfback line added strength that was lacking on Saturday. Besides the substitution of McDonald for Buchanan at right half, the Rangers had Morton back at outside left."

Former Bethlehem Players
The Irish-American McDonald is no other than "Whitey" McDonald, who starred in a halfback position for the Bethlehem team two seasons ago. Incidentally McDonald is one of the two former Bethlehem players who have gone abroad and set the soccer critics in England on their ears with the brand of soccer they dispense. The other former homester is Alec Johnson, a "big shot" when it comes to enumerating the outstanding forwards. By his display in the cup game McDonald has now earned the permanent halfback position on the regular Rangers team.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club