The Globe-Time -- Bethlehem
April 17, 1930
Speculation Rife on Future of Soccer Celebrities Who Represented Bethlehem

With official announcement made that major league soccer will be a matter of history in Bethlehem at the close of this month, speculation is now rife on the future of the stellar array of soccer talent that represented this city in the league and cup campaigns.

Before breaking up for good and all the team will probably remain in tact, or as much so as possible, for a few more games, one of which will be played in New York on Sunday afternoon with Brooklyn as the opposition.

It is significant to note that the league officials have drawn the clubs for the first round of the Lewis cup competition and Bethlehem has been omitted. Had this competition been instituted some time next month the action of the officials would not have been questioned. However, with the cup affairs to start this month it might have been expected that with Bethlehem included the team would have remained in tact to compete for this trophy, a cup placed in competition by a local donor.

When the club disbands the players will be free agents and there is no doubt that quite a few will affiliate with other clubs in this country. However, it is believed that Willie Reid, star halfback, will return to remain in Ireland, his home. Others who are expected to return to the old country are Bob MacGregor, one of the finest players ever to represent Bethlehem, and Alec Massie, both of whom are natives of Scotland.

"Bill" Fraser, Bethlehem goalie, whose introduction to soccer was quite accidental, and who if successful in locating will discontinue the booting game to follow his favorite hobby of golf. Fraser is an expert player and green keeper and has signified his intention of trying to locate at a country club or public course in this country.

While numerous bids will undoubtedly be made for the services of Archie Stark, the premier goal scoring center forward of recent seasons, it is believed he will locate with one of the New York clubs. Stark, it is understood, will leave Bethlehem to locate in Newark, N. J., where members of his family reside.

"Bill" Finlayson, halfback, who [. . . ] hit at a fullback position in most of the games played by Bethlehem, has already beat a hasty retreat. Finlayson left the club early in the week for a brief sojourn in Canada after which he is expected t o return to Scotland.

Acting on the withdrawal of the team from the Atlantic Coast Soccer League, the officers announced that efforts will be made to keep the Bethlehem team intact and transfer it to some other city. Philadelphia and St. Louis are the places mentioned as likely to get the team if a deal can be put through satisfactory to all concerned. A present member of the Atlantic circuit is anxious to take over the players and franchise and place them in Philadelphia, but the future of the team as a unit is in doubt beyond the declared intention of the withdrawing from the Atlantic League at the end of April.

Prior to the league meeting there were rumors that New Bedford would cease playing due to lack of patronage, but following a lengthy discussion of general conditions throughout the loop, Owner Dawson decided to play out the season.

The drawings for the Lewis Cup were made. Pawtucket and Providence were drawn to meet in a home and home series and New Bedford and Fall River were drawn for the other New England matches.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club