Evidently the impression given by Secretary Cahill about the strength of the Joliet team is not in the least exaggerated, for today the local management received some "inside dope" from a former Bethlehemite, who last year partnered with "Whitey" Fleming. This person is none less than Davy Brown, the old inside left of the team and who this year is playing with the Campbell Rovers of Chicago. Brown played last Saturday against Joliet at the latter place in the Illinois state cup competition. Up to within twenty minutes of the conclusion of the game the score was even, each side having scored a goal. Then Brown says the speed and stamina of the Joliet boys counted for in less than twenty minutes they added five more goals, winning the game by the score of 6-1. Considerable work is being done to have the local grounds in shape. The colors of the Joliet team are maroon and gray. The reply of the other semi-final between Disston and Fall River will take place next Saturday at New Bedford, Mass., but all critics express the opinion t hat the game here should be the real one.
Secretary Cahill will arrive in town tonight from New York and will take charge of the arrangements for the United States Football Association. Trainer Machen reports the entire local squad as being fit for a hard game.