The Globe – South Bethlehem
Tuesday, April 20, 1915
Fast and Exciting Game Which Yields 1-0 Score in Favor of Visitors. The Line-up.

Bethlehems, of Pennsylvania, and an all-star picked team of Fall River and Boston, played an exhibition game at Fall River today on Rover’s grounds. Bethlehems won 1-0 by scoring in the second half of the game.

Ideal weather prevailed, and a fairly good crowd witnessed the game.

The visitors used three new men in the line-up: Lance, Toole and Graham, taking Fletcher, Murray and Clarke’s places. Bethlehems had its work cut out to win. For the second time Captain Morrison won the toss and chose the wind at his back. The play was fast and exciting, with the ball going from one end of the field to the other, each goal having several narrow escapes. Millar was injured and had to leave the field, but pluckily resumed play within a short time. Holmes, left halfback, had Fleming well watched and the visitors’ speedy outside left seldom got going in the first half. On the restart all-star attacked fiercely and Duncan, Toole and Ferguson were kept busy. However, after a fine run down the field by the Bethlehems’ forward line, Pepper opened the scoring for the visitors. Play now became fast, and Toole, in clearing, handled the ball, thereafter promptly awarding a penalty, which Riley failed to cover, and shortly afterward time was called. For Fall River, Stone, Riley, and Burns were the best, while Ford and Ferguson starred for Bethlehems. The line-up:

Bethlehem – Fall River
Duncan – G -- Albion
Ferguson – R. F. B. -- Burns
Toole -- L. F. B. -- Riley
Campbell – R. H. B. -- Holmes
Morrison – C. H. B. -- Banohard
Lance – L. H. B. -- Stone
Ford – O. R. -- Gray
Graham – I. R. -- Mackman
Millar – C. F. -- Smith
Pepper – I. L. -- Daley
Fleming – O. L. -- McLean
Goals scored – Pepper 1. Referee – G. Datson, New Bedford. Linesmen – Clarke and Jones.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club