The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, April 21, 1919
Bethlehem Steel For Fourth Time Captured National Title on Saturday.
All Points In Contest at Fall River, 2 to 0, Were Made in Second Half.
Team Did Not Get Working Until Second Half and Then Were Brilliant

For the second year in succession and the fourth time in five years, Bethlehem Steel emerged victorious in the National soccer cup, emblematic of the championship of the United States when they defeated Paterson F. C. by the score of 2 goals to nothing at Fall River on Saturday before the largest crowd that ever turned out to witness a soccer game. More than 10,000 spectators jammed the grounds while several thousand were unable to gain admission. Two hours before starting every seat in the grandstand and bleachers was occupied. When the teams trotted out on the field it was easily seen that Paterson was the favorite with the crowd and their sympathies were in evidence during all the first half. In the second half, when Bethlehem settled down to their game, the crowed showed its appreciation on the scientific play the champions furnished during the remaining forty-five minutes, and they left the field popular victors.

In the first half of the game Paterson was the aggressor and Bethlehem seemed unable to settle down to their accustomed stride and only cool work on the part of Duncan, Wilson, Ferguson and Campbell prevented the champions from being scored upon. In the second half Bethlehem seemed to be an entirely different team and every man settled down to playing his part with the result that Paterson was seldom in evidence and only in the last two minutes of play did they look like scoring.

The sun and wind had a great effect on the game. In the first period Bethlehem played against the wind and sun and could do very little when the ball was in the air. The same conditions afflicted Paterson when the change was made in the second half.

Captain Campbell won the toss and chose to play against the wind and sun and in the first minute Bethlehem was aggressive. A foul against Murray twenty-five yards out cause a sensational beginning, Fleming taking the kick and just missing the upright bar by inches, with a perfect drive. Paterson was soon hovering around Duncan and Pepper fouled Brown, which cause the attack to be more severe than ever. Campbell was forced to concede a corner and Bleich hit the bar from 15 yards range and Knowles sent the rebound wide of the goal. Bethlehem was next to attack and Ratican sent past. Fleming also missed the upright from long range. Once more Paterson attacked and Campbell conceded another corner. McKelvey cleared, but Bleich got possession and shot over the bar. Again Paterson returned, but Wilson and Ferguson were steady and nullified all efforts of the rivals to get in a direct shot at Duncan. After twenty minutes' play Paterson missed a great opportunity to score when Bleich and A. Stark had cross-shots at the goal close in. Both efforts went past. A foul against Ratican for handling enabled Paterson to keep up the attack, but Knowles faltered and was called up for off-side. Again Paterson attacked and Knowles headed past. Bethlehem now took up the running, but Campbell's parting shot was too far out, the ball going harmlessly past. The Paterson left wing was displaying clever football, but Wilson cleared when Brown looked dangerous, and Bethlehem again made tracks for Healy. Ratican headed past on a cross from McKelvey. In the next minute A. Stark just missed the upright with a fast drive. Hunsicker fouled Ratican and the Steel Workers attacked, but no advantage was gained as the forwards seemed unable to settle down to their accustomed style. This was probably due to the hustling methods of the Paterson half-backs who never gave Bethlehem's forwards an opportunity for individual work. Toward the close of the first half, Bethlehem 's half backs seemed to get a better grip on the Paterson attack with the result that the Steel Workers' forwards were oftener in the vicinity of Healy. Despite all efforts, however, the first half ended without either team scoring, and with Paterson having slightly the advantage of the play.

At the restart Bethlehem took the field with a greater determination and in the first few minutes of play clearly demonstrated that their display in the first half was not their true form. Brilliant combinations of the entire team drew the plaudits from the crowd at repeated intervals. Fleming and Miller took the ball down the field from the kick-off and the Paterson full-backs were given a lively time. Miller finally sent one in fast and McKelvey followed up by shooting over the bar. In the next minute Fleming staged the most brilliant run of the game when he carried the ball from midfield to corner flag and then shot from a difficult angle, causing Healey to leave goals to save his parting shot. The Paterson halfbacks now became desperate and Vandeweghe fouled Miller and McKelvey sent over the bar. The Bethlehem left wing again became prominent but Miller overdid his clever dribbling with the result that he was often robbed of the ball with Ratican and Fleming waiting on a pass. Ratican looked like breaking through on a neat pass from Campbell but Knowles came out and intercepted the ball when a goal seemed imminent. After 15 minutes' play Bleich fouled Campbell in Bethlehem territory, Wilson took the kick and Forrest got possession from Pepper and placing nicely to McKelvey the later opened the scoring with a fast cross shot from 15 yards that had Healey beaten all the way. This advantage of the champions seemed to be all that was necessary to make them settle down to the combination and scientific play that earned them their national reputation and the fans were unstinted in their applause in recognition of the brilliant work of the entire team. Every man played with a coolness that was in great contrast with their work in the first half. When the ball was set in motion, Bethlehem's right wing broke away and Forrest shot past. Hunsicker got possession but was forced to shoot from long range, the ball going harmlessly over the line. Paterson's forwards made a desperate effort to settle down to combination but the Bethlehem halfbacks were now playing with their accustomed dash and Wilson and Ferguson always had plenty of time to make clearance. The Bethlehem forwards started a clever movement of their entire line, the ball traveling from Fleming to McKelvey with clock-work precision but Ratican's parting shot from McKelvey's center just missed the upright. For the greater part of this period the game resolved itself into a desperate effort of the Paterson defense to hold down the score and shots from every man in the forward line either went wide of the posts or were ably handled by Healy who played an exceptionally brilliant game. The most exciting part of the game came in the last three minutes of play when Wilson conceded a corner and the crowd cheered lustily for Paterson to get the equalizing goal but Campbell got his head on the ball from Knowles' kick and the danger seemed averted but Vandeweghe dropped the ball in front of the goal, forcing Duncan to come out to make a clearance with several Paterson forwards all around him and making desperate efforts to get to the ball. The goal-keeper however succeeded in fisting the ball out of danger and McKelvey broke away on the right. When tackled by Murray he passed to Ratican and Bethlehem's center forward ended a good day's work by an individual effort that ended with Healy having no opportunity to save his parting shot. This success in the last two minutes of play was too much for Paterson and no further danger was encountered, the game ending with the ball in midfield. The score:

Bethlehem -- Paterson
Duncan -- G -- Healy
Wilson -- R. F. B. -- Boardbent
Ferguson -- L. F. B. -- Murray
Pepper -- R. H. B. -- T. Stark
Campbell -- C. H. B. -- Vandeweghe
Brown -- L. H. B. -- Meyerdeichs
McKelvey -- O. R. -- Knowles
Forrest -- I. R. -- Hunsicker
Ratican -- C. F. -- Bleich
Miller -- I. L. -- A. Stark
Fleming -- O. L. -- Brown
Goals -- McKelvey, Ratican. Referee -- George Lambie. Linesmen -- Pemberton and Mitchell. Time -- Two 45-minute halves.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club