By Fred Nonnemacher
Steel Works' Champions to Tour In Sweden
In addition to annexing the laurels in the final of the National Cup competition staged at Fall River on Saturday which incidentally credits the Bethlehem F. C. as the undisputed soccer champions of America, Thomas W. Cahill, secretary of the United States Football Association, announced immediately after the game that in recognition of the remarkable record complied during the season by the team it was definitely arranged that the Steel Workers tour Norway, Sweden and Denmark for a series of exhibition games. While it was known that negotiations were pending relative to such a trip, no definite mention was made that it would take place until Saturday. After the game when the players were gathered in the dressing room, Sec. Cahill informed the members of the team that the arrangements were all made and the trip would in all likelihood be started some time in July. It is also understood that the trip is approved by the local magnates and that it is now a certainty. "Would a defeat by Paterson in the American Cup final, to b e played next Saturday at Philadelphia, have any effect on the proposed trip?" was asked Manager Sheridan, to which the latter replied that the National Cup final is recognized as the stellar classic in soccerdom and that a victory or defeat in the games to follow will have no bearing whatever on the trip. Seventeen players are signed with the Bethlehem club and everyone with Manager Sheridan will be included on the tour. The players who would go are: Duncan, Wilson, Ferguson, Pepper, Brown, Campbell, Ratican, Fleming, Miller, Forrest, McKelvey, Butler, Morrison, Easton, Graham and Murphy. "We have no second-string players included in the squad," chirped Manager Sheridan, when asked if it was just the regular team that was to make the trip. Continuing, "Billy" made it known that every man signed with the Bethlehem F. C. is considered a star of first magnitude but the unfortunate part is that there are not enough positions on the team to use all of the players in every game.
A Big Gate at Fall River
Although neither of the teams meeting in the National Cup final were identified as hailing from the New England States, the fans in that district turned out en masse and with an attendance of over 10,000 persons the two teams played to the biggest crowd ever gathered at a soccer game. The receipts totaled $4,900, of which, after the expenses are paid, the Bethlehem treasury will be enriched by one-third of the amount. Both teams share equally no matter how the game ends and the other third reverts to the coffers of the United States Football Association.
"Jimmy" Murphy Under the Knife
If "Jimmy" Murphy, star soccer exponent and all-around athlete at the Bethlehem Steel plant, recovers from a recent operation and also secures his discharge from the army in time, he will be included in the Steel Workers' contingent to make the trip abroad. According to a letter received by Manager Sheridan, Murphy suffered a severe attack of blood-poisoning which necessitated an operation. Late reports are to the effect t hat he is speedily recovering and expects to get out of the hospital within the next few days. "Jimmy" did his bit in the war at a service camp in Oswego, N. Y., the armistice being signed just as his regiment was preparing for overseas duty.