The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, April 22, 1919

Bethlehem Steel soccer team will have three more training sessions this week in preparation for the last important game of the season, the American Cup Final, with Paterson F. C. as its opponent. The game will be played at Disston Ball Park, Tacony. The champions have now won two of the competitions that they have entered this season and a victory on Saturday will give them a position in the soccer world that will be the envy of every team in the country -- that of winning three championships in one year.

No player on the Bethlehem team can be singled out for special mention for last Saturday's great victory as every man tried his best and the mistakes of any player could be easily pardoned when the excitement of the occasion is taken into consideration.

The reports of t he game in some of the Sunday papers gave the impression that Paterson played most of the game with two players on the sidelines, whereas the actual time lost by the silk sockers was two minutes in each half.

Philadelphia soccer fans will be out strong on Saturday to see the A. F. A. Final and Disston field will have the biggest crowd in its history if weather conditions are favorable.

Paterson will probably make one change in their lineup for Saturday as Hunsiker's knee will not be in shape for a hard contest. Post will be included in the lineup if information from Paterson camp is correct.

Bethlehem has won the American Cup three years straight and will make a big effort to make it four, and incidentally set up another record.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club