The Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
April 22, 1930
May Also compete in Lewis Cup Competition is Latest Advice.

Holding the Bethlehem soccer team to its obligation to complete the month before disbanding, the Atlantic Coast Soccer League scheduled the Steel City booters for a brace of games over the weekend, both of which will be played away from home.

It is also learned that the league has experienced a change of heart relative to the inclusion of the club in the Lewis cup competition in which Bethlehem is the present holder of the trophy.

However, in its display of gratitude, if such it might be called, the league sets down certain conditions under which the club is privileged to compete, one of which is interpreted as intimating that the notification of withdrawal already presented will not be recognized but that in the event the team is eliminated a similar notification may again be submitted.

Insofar as the league games are concerned the management is well satisfied to abide by its agreement to finish out the month and take no exception to the scheduling of the brace of games for this weekend. However, there was no decision as yet forthcoming in regard to the attitude of the club concerning the cup competition.

The team is practically losing its strength and will perhaps be further hindered in this respect as time goes on. Players, it is believed, are under contract until the end of May but it is understood that the management will not interfere with any plans entertained by any of the players at the end of this month.

"Bill" Finlayson, a regular in the back division, has already left the club. This department is further crippled by the absence of "Bill" Carnihan, who has been on the shelf with injury for five weeks and it is understood there is little hope of his returning before the team disbands. With two men out of the back division and the ranks of reserves practically depleted, it is quite a problem to field a representative team.

Players on the forward line are also nursing injuries but are determined to carry through as long as the club remains in the running. Against Brooklyn last Saturday Bethlehem was a much rearranged team but even with the drastic changes proved far superior to the opposition and checked in one of its most brilliant victories of the season.

The two games for the weekend will be against formidable opponents. On Saturday afternoon New Bedford will be the opponent and on Sunday Bethlehem will again appear in New York in spite of the fact that the last two appearances in the Metropolitan district were billed as the very last. Here it will be Hakoah All-Stars.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club