Bethlehem Globe
Friday, April 24, 1914

The semi-final Philadelphia amateur game between Bethlehems and the Philadelphia Electric which was scheduled for Saturday on the East End field, has been forfeited to Bethlehem by the latter. Manager Guest of the Electric team did not notify Manager Trend of the local team, until late yesterday and the latter had the game well advertised. That the Electric team will be severely dealt with by the league officials there is no question as such actions harm soccer football. The Electric has been claiming all along that it could beat Bethlehems, but when it was drawn to play the local champions on its own grounds, it forfeited the game without any just cause or reason.

The local management have arranged with the league officials that the Smith F.C., Philadelphia, take the place of the Electrics so the fans will be given a game quite as good as that advertised. Should Bethlehems win tomorrow's game it will win the Allied League championship with twelve straight victories and no defeats and tucks away one championship also the Merion cup and gold medals. On May 3, Bethlehems will try for the American trophy and gold medals and one week later will line-up against West Philadelphia in the final for the Amateur championship of Pennsylvania, which carries with it a very handsome silver trophy and gold medals. Should Bethlehem succeed in winning a triple championship it will be one of the greatest feats ever accomplished by a soccer team in the United States.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club