April 24, 1919
Bethlehem Steel had the last training today in preparation for the A. F. A. final with the Paterson F. C. at Tacony, Saturday. Every player is in good condition at present and there is no over-confidence evident. Every man feels that he has to go the full 90 minutes at a fast pace in order to clinch the triple championship. Paterson has been under special training all week and will be in good condition for the game. As both teams are familiar with one another's style, Saturday's contest should give the best exhibition of soccer in the history of the A. F. A.
Bethlehem Steel will leave the station at 10:33 Saturday morning.
Local fans who expect to see the game had better keep in mind that the last train from Broad street station for Tacony leaves at 1:20 p.m. The 11:15 train from Bethlehem for Philadelphia is scheduled to arrive at the Reading Terminal at 12:59 p.m. The game is scheduled to start at 4 o'clock.
Healy, the Paterson goalkeeper, has a great habit of leaving his goal uncovered. If the Bethlehem forwards are on the alert they may be able to surprise him with a long shot.
Bethlehem's defense made a big hit with the Fall River fans. And if they are able to duplicate the performance on Saturday, the rest of the story will be up to the forward line.
On Sunday, April 27, Bethlehem Steel will travel to Brooklyn and play the Robins Dry Dock an exhibition game on the latter's field. It is expected that several players who are at present on the reserve will be given an opportunity to exhibit their wares. ."