The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, April 25, 1918
Local Team Has Had Most Trouble This Season

Disston seems to be the stumbling block to Bethlehem's aspirations to win the three soccer titles this season. Last Saturday the Disstons tackled the all-stars with a team that looked anything but capable of giving the Steel Workers a battle. However, by dint of hard playing and that never-quit spirit which is the predominating factor in the team's makeup, Disston held Bethlehem to a tie after playing two extra fifteen minute periods. It will be remembered that this same Disstons, when they had the services of Pearce, Spaulding, Andrews and Lynch, handed Bethlehem its first and only defeat of the season in the National League series. Disstons appear to be the only team that is Bethlehem's hoodoo.

The Steel Workers meet Disstons again in the reply on Saturday and should the Sawmakers again accomplish the unexpected, Bethlehem would be eliminated from the American cup tourney.

That the showing of the Disstons is likely to have some effect on the Bethlehem players is feared and every effort is being made to have them dispel this feeling. It would appear as through the Sawmakers are the locals' jinx for while they have been scalping all before them, the team has found it difficult to down the Philadelphians. Recalling Saturday's game, the Steel Workers found conditions breaking against them, at least a dozen corner kicks counting for naught, which really would indicate that old man jinx was on the job and quite likely to have some effect on the players.

Disstons were badly riddled by the draft and enlistment and were probably considered too easy by the Steel Workers which came near losing for them the chance to annex the American League cup. The Disstons have lost eight of its players since the season opened, from one cause or another, and the management deserves credit for placing a team on the field which can hold its own with such a strong combination as Bethlehem, and especially on the latter's grounds.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club