The Globe -- Bethlehem
April 25, 1919

Tomorrow's American Football Association final at Tacony will be the last soccer contest of importance in the East and all lovers of the game in the Philadelphia district will be sure to visit the Disston ball grounds to see Paterson F. C. and Bethlehem Steel struggle for supremacy in the oldest competition in American soccer. On the season's form no other teams have a better right to meet in the final and the result may be in doubt until the final whistle. Paterson is determined to make up for last Saturday's disappointment at Fall River and they can be relied upon to play themselves to a standstill in order to win. However, the local representatives understand the Paterson style too well to have any false ideas as to how strenuous the game will be and every man can be relied upon to put up the brand of soccer that is expected of him.

Four straight is the Bethlehem slogan and to that end a big delegation of local fans have signified their intention of being present to see the game.

The O. N. T., of Newark, and Bethlehem Steel are the only teams that have won the American Cup three years in succession. The Newark club were winners in the first three years of its inception, but soccer was not as strong then as it is today. The Steel Workers will try to break the dead lock tomorrow.

Bethlehem Steel will leave the Union depot at 10:33 a.m. and will leave Broad street station for Tacony at 1:20 p.m. Bethlehem fans can be in time for the game leaving Bethlehem at 11:15 a.m.

If the Steel Workers allow Paterson as much opportunity for continual bombardment as they did in the first half of the game last Saturday they might find themselves so far behind that the cup might slip from their grasp. It is, therefore, up to every man to remember that attack is the best defense."

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club