The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, April 26, 1918
At Philadelphia, When Semi-Final Reply in American
The Bethlehem Steel soccer team have completed training for tomorrow's American Cup semi-final game with Disston A. A. at Philadelphia and the old confidence and determination that has played such a prominent part of the majority of the games this year is again in evidence. Every player feels that if the men pull together as one men that Disston can't possibly beat them, and they are also aware that the soccer fans of the Bethlehems will be anxiously awaiting the result, and there isn't any doubt but that they will go into the game with a spirit and dash that will be the equal of anything they have ever shown. The tende3ndcy to underestimate the ability of Disston has entirely disappeared so that the over confidence that played such a prominent part in last Saturday's game will be conspicuous by its absence. Every man who will wear the blue and white will go into the game feeling that to defeat Disston on their own ground they will have a tremendous task before them. They are also aware that a defeat will mean that their great record for the season will be spoiled so that the soccer lovers in this vicinity can depend on every man submerging every individual interest with the one object in view -- victory for Bethlehem. The following players will make the trip: Duncan, Fletcher, Ferguson, Murray, Campbell, Kirkpatrick, Murphy, Pepper, Ratican, Easton, Fleming, Forrest, Butler, Morrison.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club