Bethlehem won the toss and Paterson was first attack, Cooper sending past. Bethlehem was next to be prominent and Forrest ending a fine movement by sending over the bar.
After twenty-five minutes of play during which neither team had the upper hand, Dugan beat Duncan from close range on a pass from Heminsley. This reverse stung Bethlehem to greater efforts and they attacked almost continuously for the remainder of this half.
In the second half the Steel Workers stared off with a rush and after a continuous attack during which the Paterson defense was completely bewildered, Pepper tied the score from twelve yards range with a shot that gave Tintle no chance.
After twelve minutes of play, Fleming put the Steel Workers ahead with a hard drive on a pass from Forrest. Pepper once more entered the score sheet from close range on a pass from Murphy.
In the last fifteen seconds of play a shot from Heminsley struck a bump on the turf in front of the goal and bounced over Duncan's head. The ball was no sooner centered when time as called. The line-up:
Bethlehem -- Pos. -- Paterson
Duncan -- G -- Tintle
Collier -- RFB -- Todd
Ferguson -- LFB -- Broadbent
Murray -- RHB -- Meyerdiocks
Campbell -- CHB -- McNell
Morrison -- LHB -- Blakey
Murphy -- OR -- Duggan
Sturch -- IR -- Cooper
Forrest -- CF -- Heminsley
Pepper -- IL -- Shaw
Fleming -- OL -- Brown
Goal -- Pepper 2; Fleming, Duggan 2; Referee Gray. Linesmen: Fletcher and Hogan. Time of halves: 45 minutes.
Early this season the Bethlehem F. C. journeyed to the home lot of the New York A. C. and were handed one of the first stings of defeat in a long time, losing to the Gothamites by the score of 4 goals to 1. On Saturday afternoon the Steel Workers had sweet revenge when the New Yorkers were the guests in the Bethlehem lot and were shut out, five goals to nothing, in a National League game.
The Bethlehem team went to the field with several revisions made in the lineup. "Billy" Forrest, whose terrific drives have made him feared by all opposing goal keepers was enjoying the berth of center forward. The most noticeable change in the lineup, however, was the acquisition of "Jimmy" Murphy, the speedy little wingman. Jimmy was on the crippled list since last year, having broken a bone in his ankle while in the service. Saturday was really his first appearance and he fully demonstrated that his long layoff had not in the least impaired his playing. If anything, Murphy looked better than ever before and it was really due to this accurate passing, his clever centering, and his ability to take advantage of opportunities to score that gave the Bethlehem team the big lead. Two of the goals came as direct efforts of Murphy's efforts while two of the remaining three were caged after perfect passes by Jimmy.
The game started with Bethlehem winning the toss and elected to play with the wind to their backs. From the very first minute of play the visitors proved a speedy working bunch and for several minutes had the play well in hand. However, when the Bethlehem forwards got going they soon began to bombard the visitors' goal but counters were either avoided by clever saves or shots that went wide of the mark.
The visitors presented a very stiff defense and it was twenty-two minutes before Bethlehem added their first counter. Murphy, took one of his first shots and placed the ball into the net with a drive that completely beat Adamson. The home crowd inspired by this success and determined to mount the count to [. . . ] made by the New Yorkers [. . . ] previous game pressed hard [ . . . ] despite their efforts the visitors [. . . ] able to check any scoring. It was nearing the end of the first half when Referee Young detected one of the visiting players tripping Fleming and immediately called the foul. Fleming was in position near and placed a free kick directly a[. . .] the net. Sturch and Murphy [. . .] racing to reach the ball, the [. . . ] making a flying leap and [. . .] the oval into the net with his body, the session ending with Bethlehem having a two point edge.
The visitors were confident that with the wind favoring their drives they could even this count and were a determined lot when they took the field at the restart. Instead of evening the count Bethlehem went one better by chalking up three. Within a few minutes of the restart a beautiful forward movement down the field with the final pass directly [. . .] Murphy placed the ball into a position for Forrest to have one of his terrific kicks and the oval lodged safely into the net. Forrest added another score a few minutes later and the final counter was hung up by Sturch. The score:
Bethlehem -- Pos. -- New York
Duncan -- G -- Adamson
Collier -- RFB -- Gilfilean
Ferguson -- LFB -- Kelly
Murray -- RHB - -Matthews
Campbell -- CHB -- Bell
Morrison -- LHB -- Ferguson
Murphy -- OR -- O'Hallaran
Sturch -- IR -- Hunziker
Forrest -- CF -- Brunett
Pepper -- IL -- MacDonald
Fleming -- OL -- Sweeney
Goals -- Murphy 2; Forrest, 2; Sturch. Referee -- George Young, Philadelphia. 45 minute halves.