The Globe -- Bethlehem
Saturday, April 27, 1918
Soccer Notes

Confident of returning with a victory, the Bethlehem Steel soccer team in charge of "Bill" Sheridan, left this morning for Philadelphia to replay the semi-final American Cup game this afternoon at Tacony baseball grounds.

The Sawmakers have been the Steel Workers "hoodoo" all season and the locals left here determined to make their victory decisive. The players put in a hard week at practice and all left in good condition.

Manager Johnny Bedford of the Disstons will line up his best eleven in an effort to defeat the cup holders , a feat which they accomplished some months ago on the same field, in the National League series.

The Steel Workers are scheduled to appear in three more games this season after the contest today. The big affairs, of course, will be the clash next Saturday with the Fall River Rovers at Pawtucket, R. I., in the final for the National Cup.

The team will leave here next Thursday and put in its final training on the field where the battle is to be waged.

Two national league games will be played on the home grounds. The first will be with the Harrison team and the final contest of the season with West Hudson. Efforts are being made to arrange a game with the Chinese team to be played in this city.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club