The Globe – South Bethlehem
Wednesday, April 28, 1915
Big Game to be Played in South Bethlehem on Saturday
Bethlehems management has received official notification from Brooklyn Celtic that it will select its team from the following players: Mather, Robertson, McWilliams, Braodbent, Flanagan, McElroy, Neville, McQueen, Lonie, O’Holloran, King, McGreevey, Campion, Owens, O’Neill, Nicholas, Donegan. The list includes seventeen of the best men in New York and New Jersey. A big delegation of fans from Brooklyn, New York, Newark and New Jersey will accompany Celtic to Bethlehem on Saturday morning. Philadelphia fans and officials and players of the American Allied League, Philadelphia, will be in Bethlehem on that day to root for Bethlehems. The local team had its first workout yesterday on Taylor field, and with Fletcher and Clark getting back into shape the prospects are that Bethlehems will have its full team out on Saturday with the exception of Murray whose ankle still bothers him.
Bethelehem Steel Soccer Club