Brooklyn Celtic’s halfback line which will oppose the Bethlehems on Saturday and which did such excellent work against Bethlehems in its previous game both in breaking up tactics and defense shows three experienced players.
David Flanigan, right halfback, although he is the oldest man on Celtic in point of service was formerly of the Scottish league, Scotland, and this year has been displaying a grand of soccer that gives him the edge on any of the ambitious juniors.
John McElroy, center halfback, is a graduate of New York junior football, is the heaviest man on the team, weighs 178 pounds and is aggressive. His breaking up tactics have made him one of the best center halfbacks in New York state.
John Broadbent, left halfback, was formerly with the Newark F. C., Newark, and has been picked several times as the best left halfback of that city.
Bethlheems’ halfback line – Campbell, Clarke and Morrison, has been conceded by critics to be the finest halfback line in the country, and with Campbell late of Fore River and Tacony at right, Clarke formerly of the True Blue and Brooklyn Field club, last year’s champion at center, and Morrison who by the way is this year’s captain of Bethlehems team and formerly captain for five years of the famous Tacony team at left halfback. It will be a treat to watch the comparative working of these two halfback lines on Saturday as each will oppose an all-star forward line. The record of Bethlehems shows it to have played 33 games, won 29, lost 1 and tied 3; goals scored for 159, to 26 against and Brooklyn Celtic to date has played 28 games, won 25, lost 2, and tied 1, 118 goals scored for with 16 goals against. Each has met some of the best teams in the country. Work on Lehigh field has been nearly completed and the ground has been rolled, the goal posts and nets and corner flags have been placed. Word has been received from Thomas W. Cahill of the National Commission that the Hearst-Selig and Pathe moving picture concerns will take moving pictures of the big soccer game on Saturday at Lehigh University.